Save Water Save Earth (Water Crisis)

'Life without water  is not possible' We know this but how many of us actually realise it.We probably can not understand this because we have never felt the Scarcity of water.  But there are also some people in this world who have to face many problems to get water for their daily routine. So,  We will discuss about  Water Scarcity , 'Save Water Save Earth' 75℅ of Earth is covered with water but see the irony we are still facing Water  Scarcity.This  is the biggest global concern. Because  95℅ Water is in the form of Seas and Oceans. which is saline and not fit for drinking or  directly for any other purpose. Such as irrigation or home consumption. According to UN (FAO) states that,  By 2025, 1.9 billion of the world's population may have to struggle with  water shortage. Today, 54℅ of India's population is facing Water Crisis. Water is continuously decreasing in 50℅  wells. Climate change effect can be seen In many places rain i

Pollution And Its Types

We are not paying attention to the damage to the environment in the race to move ahead.

Pollution is causing huge damage to the environment

Different types of pollution are harming our environment

All things in our nature are dependent on each other.

Pollution is a major cause of various diseases as well as disabilities too.

There are many Harmful effects of pollution

We know about the damage caused by pollution, but we do not know the dangers that occur due to it, which is why we sometimes ignore the reasons for the increase in pollution.

Today we will know about Pollution And  Types of pollution and also some of its harmful effects.

1. Air pollution

Air pollution means decreasing in air quality
Lower the amount of oxygen as well as poisonous gases in the air increases.

Pollution, air pollution, plastic pollution,polythene
Air pollution

It is also known as Particulate Matter (PM) means increasing in other gases and dust particles in air.

Carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides are such hazardous gases increases in environment

It also damages human life and animal life and plant life along with all living organisms.

There are various harmful effects and causes of air pollution.

Many lungs problem,respiratory lung cancer,cardiovascular problem are major cause of air pollution.

Major cause of air pollution are burning of garbage,food with garbage,plastic, rubber,thermocol etc.

Smoke from chimneys, Burning of fossil fuels, wood burning , increase in use of transportation etc.

We can reduce air pollution by some small steps .

• plantation
• Use of carpool
• Avoid use of Plastic
• burning of wood, garbage, waste       should be stopped.

Water pollution

we all know that without water life is not possible, then what happens when all water becomes polluted. Water pollution refers to contamination or making water unfit for drinking or other purpose.

Water pollution badly effects marine life ,
Oxygen in water reduces and many species living in water has to suffer or dies and becomes extinct.

Pollution,water pollution
Water pollution

So many diseases occurs due to contaminated water like typhoid, skin diseases jaundice cholera etc, and also destroy agriculture land

Major cause of water pollution

 Sewage, waste water, liquid waste etc.
Discharge of Industrial waste without treatment.
So, much of plastic  and garbage found in seas and oceans because of which many fishes or aquatic  animals died.

water pollution can be controlled

proper sewage and drainage system
Less use of chemicals, fertilizer and pesticides.
Less use of Plastic
Less use of detergents
Promote organic farming.

Soil pollution

Soil pollution can be described as lacking in soil nutrients and increasing of chemicals or pollutants in soil natural environment.

Major cause of soil pollution

Excessive use of fertilizers, pesticides
Acid rain is also a major cause in making soil contaminated.
Mining and other  industrial activities
Agro chemicals, petro chemicals etc.
Nuclear tests  and War.

Effects of soil pollution

It makes land unfit for agriculture.

Vegetables grown on contaminated soil can cause various health problems.

It also pollutes ground water

It can enter into our mouth through air which is dangerous.

Major problem can occur if came in direct contact with contaminated soil like headache, chest pain, skin diseases,and can also cause long term diseases.

Soil pollution can be reduced by

Promoting organic farming and less use of chemicals.

Noise Pollution

Noise can be known as a highly sound or unwanted sound that troubles our brains and ears.

Noise, pollution,noise pollution
Noise Pollution

Noise can be natural sound like sound from the wind, trees, rains, storms, animals, birds are kind of natural sound

Man-made sounds are mainly comes by human activity mostly noises comes under man-made noise are  constructions, traffic, blaring, speakers, engine,

It  harms environment and living beings both.

Harmful effects of Noise Pollution

mostly noise pollution affect children and old people
and NIHL (noise induced hearing loss)
 is disorder that results from exposure to high intensity of sound for a long period of time.

The elevated sound level causes trauma to Cochlear structure in the inner ear which gives rise to Irreversible hearing loss.

It alerts people who are suffering from hypertension and  blood pressure it can also leads to fatigue, headache, and Vertigo.

noise pollution can be reduced by various method like 
loud speakers sound amplifiers make much sound that must be restricted in open areas.
industries must be set up away from restricted areas.

Give your  valuable Suggestions in comment section pls👇


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