Save Water Save Earth (Water Crisis)

'Life without water  is not possible' We know this but how many of us actually realise it.We probably can not understand this because we have never felt the Scarcity of water.  But there are also some people in this world who have to face many problems to get water for their daily routine. So,  We will discuss about  Water Scarcity , 'Save Water Save Earth' 75℅ of Earth is covered with water but see the irony we are still facing Water  Scarcity.This  is the biggest global concern. Because  95℅ Water is in the form of Seas and Oceans. which is saline and not fit for drinking or  directly for any other purpose. Such as irrigation or home consumption. According to UN (FAO) states that,  By 2025, 1.9 billion of the world's population may have to struggle with  water shortage. Today, 54℅ of India's population is facing Water Crisis. Water is continuously decreasing in 50℅  wells. Climate change effect can be seen In many places rain i

5 Ways To Enjoy Summer

5 Ways To Enjoy Summer

Do you have planned your Summer ?          

Summer,beautiful scenery, summer scenery
Beautiful Summer

If not then this Article is going to be very useful to you.

Time is very precious and we should not let it waste , we people can enjoy each moment of life.

So, I have some tips for you people to make your Summer more interesting and full of fun.

As, think about kids who wait for their holidays  or summer vacation .

They planned their holidays , whether they will  learn some new activities like singing, dancing, music and so on.

Or will they planned to go out with family.

But, as we grow older , we involved or struck in our stressful life  or activities.

We forgot to enjoy even a precious moment of our life.

So, #enjoy your Summer

1 • Cool Drinks

• Lassi ( as you can say one of the  most refreshing drink in Summer )
• Ice Creams
• Mango Shake
• Banana shake
• Cold Cofee
• Ice Tea
• Watermelon
You can also add cucumber and Armenian Cucumber ( Kakdi) In your salad .

Cucumber salad

These Food items and drinks protects you from Summer heat and keeps your body hydrate and refresh , provides you quick refreshment.

2 • Reading Boooks 

Book,book image

Reading Books is going to be a best option, Read books  of your own choice .

Which gives you knowledge and you can learn new things .

You can read novels, it will enhance your vocabulary.
Reading Newspaper keeps you updated.

3 • Travelling 

Travelling does not means to travel far away places . You can also explore your Surroundings, Going for Movies, Water parks ( It is the best thing that you can enjoy with your friends ).

4 • Develop new skills in Yourself 

You can learn and develop new skills in these Summer. Whatever is your hobby you can work on it  to  turn it , in your passion.

It can be dancing, singing, music, Cooking and so on.
It will going to help you better in your future.

5 •  Fitness Goal

Physical Fitness is most important , to stay active  or to work towards your goal.

Fitness is also a trending  activity nowadays.

You can start it as a hobby ,soon it becomes your habit , a Good Habit.

In hot Summer , waking up early in the morning and doing Exercises and Yoga
Will give you energy to carry out whole day activities.

By, early morning you can breathe fresh air and can enjoy the sunrise.

This is the wonderful view and you can experience it.

So, this SUMMER start something NEW.

* Bonus Tip 

In the Summer season, everyone should put some water on their roof in a vessel for BIRDS. 🐤🐥🐦

Who created Earth Day ?

                 HAPPY EARTH DAY 🌍
                      22nd April



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