Save Water Save Earth (Water Crisis)

'Life without water  is not possible' We know this but how many of us actually realise it.We probably can not understand this because we have never felt the Scarcity of water.  But there are also some people in this world who have to face many problems to get water for their daily routine. So,  We will discuss about  Water Scarcity , 'Save Water Save Earth' 75℅ of Earth is covered with water but see the irony we are still facing Water  Scarcity.This  is the biggest global concern. Because  95℅ Water is in the form of Seas and Oceans. which is saline and not fit for drinking or  directly for any other purpose. Such as irrigation or home consumption. According to UN (FAO) states that,  By 2025, 1.9 billion of the world's population may have to struggle with  water shortage. Today, 54℅ of India's population is facing Water Crisis. Water is continuously decreasing in 50℅  wells. Climate change effect can be seen In many places rain i

Pollution Caused By Plastic

Pollution Caused By Plastic

We all know, that how it is difficult to live in a polluted environment.
Everyone wants to live in a clear and pure environment.

Each type of pollution Air pollution, Water Pollution, Soil pollution is increasing at a greater rate.

It is spoiling people health.
It has a very bad effects on people health.

Avoid plastic,plastic

Causes and effects of air pollution

• Burning of plastic/polythene
• old vehicles
• Construction work
• smoke from factories

These are the basic cause of air pollution

Burning Plastic produces gases like hydrochloric acid, salfur dioxide, furans and various pollutants.
These gases causes respiratory diseases and effcts our immune system.
Dizziness and also can be a cause of cancer.

Some people throws their garbage anywhere, they use of plastic they put their leftover food in plastic/polythene and throws outside.

Pollution by plastic, burning garbage

Which is eaten by Cows, or stray animals
These plastic gets accumulated in their stomach and resulted in blockage and slowly it leads to their Death.

According to Indian Mythology,
We pray Cows, It is believed that God resides in Cows .

If we talk about other factors that cause air pollution are :

1. Old vehicles running on road releasing pollutants, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide.
Should be banned as they are reducing air quality.

2. Smoke from factories or chimneys produces harmful gases in environment.

It can be prevented if there is
Proper cleaning
Proper inspection
Proper covering up should be there

3. We see that nowdays construction work is growing up  due to which there is enough dust in air.

For that ,water should be sprayed before starting work.
Cover up of that area is also necessary.

How To Reduce Plastic ?

Reusable Bags
Paper Bags

We should not use plastic.
We should always carry our jute or paper bag for shopping.
We should avoid straws.
We should not pack food in plastic item or polythene as it harmful , instead we can use jar or glass container.

Government banned plastic or use of polythene in many states but. After sometime people again started using plastic.
So, things will change  only when we follow rules.

Bonus Tip

Food wastage is very harmful, a lot of food is wasted mostly in weddings and also from houses.

Its Disposal or Burning of food with garbage produces Methane Gas which is 4 times more harmful than Carbon dioxide.

Leftover food in weddings can be distributed to poor people.
Many NGOs are working for this we should contact to them.

How to save yourself from pollution

• Drink sufficient water .
• Regular exercise and yoga will keep you         fit.
• Stay away from polluted area.
• Use pollution mask ,when you are out.
• Aware other people that , not to throw           garbage or burn waste.
• Keep Surroundings Clean.

Pollution Facts

According to WHO,

1. In 2018, Kanpur was the most polluted city in the world. P.M. Level 2.5

2. Faridabad PM level - 172
3.Varanasi P.M. Level - 151

In, 2010 and 2014
 Delhi was the most polluted city
In, 2016 Delhi was at Sixth .

             ONE STEP TOWARDS NATURE IS                       IS ONE STEP FOR YOUSELF

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