Save Water Save Earth (Water Crisis)

'Life without water  is not possible' We know this but how many of us actually realise it.We probably can not understand this because we have never felt the Scarcity of water.  But there are also some people in this world who have to face many problems to get water for their daily routine. So,  We will discuss about  Water Scarcity , 'Save Water Save Earth' 75℅ of Earth is covered with water but see the irony we are still facing Water  Scarcity.This  is the biggest global concern. Because  95℅ Water is in the form of Seas and Oceans. which is saline and not fit for drinking or  directly for any other purpose. Such as irrigation or home consumption. According to UN (FAO) states that,  By 2025, 1.9 billion of the world's population may have to struggle with  water shortage. Today, 54℅ of India's population is facing Water Crisis. Water is continuously decreasing in 50℅  wells. Climate change effect can be seen In many places rain i

Causes And Effects Of Air Pollution

Causes And Effects Of Air Pollution

We all know that how much air pollution has increased, we also Know that how dangerous it is to live in such an environment.

Air pollution staistics alerts us . These figures tells us that how much the problem has increased .

So, we will know deeply about the same Statistics and the,

Air pollution,pollution
Image courtesy of:

Harmful effects of Air Pollution.

So, we could do something against it and can improve our tomorrow.

Some Statictics on how pollution os ending our tomorrow.

According to State of Global Air 2019 Report,

Due to living in polluted environment for long period, 5 MILLON  people died at the global level due diseases caused by air pollution.

91℅ of World's population are in the grip of Poisonous Air.

If we talk about India,

Out of 20 most polluted cities in the world, 15 are from India, Some of which are

Gurugram, patna lucknow, Delhi,Gaziabad.
The air of these cities has become very poisonous.

According to air Standards, Pollution particles in the air should be within 80pm.

But in most of the cities of India particulate matters in air reaches 150-200 (pm).

According to ICMR Report, one death in every 8 death in India in 2017 has been the cause of air pollution.

Due to poisonous air many diseases and physical disabilities are emerging in the people,
Because of which average age od people is decreasing.

According to an estimates, if the countries air becomes clean then average age of an Indian will be increased by 1.7 years.

The animals are loosing their habitats due to cutting of forests and many of species of animals and birds become extinct.

The amount of CO2 (carbondioxide) and SO2 (sulphurdioxide) is increasing in air

This is also the reason for the acid rain, which damages plants, animals as well as marine life.

Global warming is also increasing due to which sea level is increasing which will effects to people living in coastal areas due to which they  have to migrate to cities.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) emitted from refrigerators and ACs cause the most damages to the ozone layer.

We should buy refrigeration products that do not use HCFCs and CFCs for refrigeration.

Due to weak ozone layer,  the Sun's harmful rays enter the Earth's atmosphere these UV

(Ultraviolet rays) causes damages to plants life animals and damages our immune system and a cause of Skin Cancer.

Growing vehicles on roads is a matter of concern.

The increasing burden of vehicles on Earth
Raises load on Energy, Natural Resources, Environment and on the lives of people.

Burning plastic is very harmful, pollution caused by plastic Pollution caused by Plastic is maximum. 

It produces sulphurdioxide, HCL, furans and other Poisonous Gases which can damage  our health to a greater extent.

What we can do to stop growing pollution and how can we a better tomorrow to ourselves and to the next generation.

Continuous plantation and trees protection is essential.

We should get pots in our houses and plant around our houses so, that the air inside our home becomes neat too.

We should not use bikes and cars to move around in places.

Rather than we should use bicycles which helps in keeping our environment clean and also makes us healthy.

We must avoid plastic as much as possible.

To protect ourselves from pollution, we should use good quality mask

We must stay away from polluted places.

We must drink sufficient water.

Bonus Tip

Researchers at the Texas A and M university of America studied the effects of pollution on health.

They found that due to the dissolved ammonium sulphate in the air, its deadly effects falls on the infants born in the womb.


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