Save Water Save Earth (Water Crisis)

'Life without water  is not possible' We know this but how many of us actually realise it.We probably can not understand this because we have never felt the Scarcity of water.  But there are also some people in this world who have to face many problems to get water for their daily routine. So,  We will discuss about  Water Scarcity , 'Save Water Save Earth' 75℅ of Earth is covered with water but see the irony we are still facing Water  Scarcity.This  is the biggest global concern. Because  95℅ Water is in the form of Seas and Oceans. which is saline and not fit for drinking or  directly for any other purpose. Such as irrigation or home consumption. According to UN (FAO) states that,  By 2025, 1.9 billion of the world's population may have to struggle with  water shortage. Today, 54℅ of India's population is facing Water Crisis. Water is continuously decreasing in 50℅  wells. Climate change effect can be seen In many places rain i

Importance Of World Environment Day

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year since 1974, It is an initiative by United Nation (UN)  for awaring and encouraging people for the protection of our environment.

Each year it has a theme and is hosted by a different country.

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World Environment Day Theme

In 2015,  'seven billion dream. One planet consume with care'.

In 2016,  'zero intolerance for the illegal wildlife trade'.

In 2017,  'connecting people to nature'.

In 2018,  'beat plastic pollution' .

In 2019,  'beat air pollution'.

Importance of World Environment Day

Main purpose of this global program is to spread awareness of the environment through social political consciousness and global governments.

Along with spreading awareness, keeping the nature and protection of Earth, centered on the level of awareness in the countries of the world.

WED, 2019 Theme

In 2019, the theme of WED is kept 'Beat Air Pollution' . This is the reason for keeping this theme, that Air pollution is increasing worldwide. 

In today's time, the quality of air is going down air is becoming poisonous

We all know that we can't live without air but the amount of oxygen is decreasing in air .

This is the case with cities of many major countries of the world.

Thinking about the time to come is scared.
This is very dangerous for next generation.

Our average age is decreasing because of being in a polluted environment.

Fresh air is not left. Living in such an environment, we feel suffocated.

The biggest impact of pollution is on the Elderly and the Children.

Air pollution, pollution,
Air Pollution
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Harmful effects of Air Pollution.

It is directly damaging our body, due to this respiratory and heart disease, lung cancer and skin diseases are increasing.

It also effects our brain and nerves system.

Living in a polluted environment does not have the mental development of children completely.

Staying in a clean environment growing and playing in mids of trees or greenry involves mental development and they have a new energy and positiveness. This is the Importance of nature in our life.

Many toxic gases and harmful pollutants in the environment has increased.
Which is also a cause of global warming.

Causes of Air Pollution

Cities have the worst air, smoke from factories and chimneys, the number of vehicles on the roads are increasing.

People burn garbage around them . 

We should minimize the use of Plastic burning plastic releases toxic gases in the air.

Deforestation is also a major cause of this.
The number of trees are decreasing due to which poisonous gases are increasing.

How we can reduce Air Pollution.

To reduce Pollution we all have to take resolution. If we want to make our tomorrow better so, we all have to take some small steps to stop this.

If anybody around us does a work that pollutes our environment we should stop it.

We all should plant trees, in the rainy season if we put some seeds at some places where they can grow, then they will turn into plant itself. They just need small care

Bonus Tips

WED, official name is United Nation World Environment Day. It started in Sweden's capital Stockholm .

Here is the first time the Environment Conference was held in the World in which 119 countries participated.


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